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Ash Jag
0 reviews

Navigating Betrayal

If you need assistance or clarity on any matter please WhatsApp/call: 2760 891 7810 or email: info@dsom.online.
  • Description
  • Curriculum
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Everyone faces betrayal in their lives. However, we cannot let the pain of betrayal stop us from accomplishing the work God has given us. We need to learn to forgive our betrayal and move on with our lives. This session will teach you how to recognize betrayal and begin to overcome it


  • Recognizing betrayal
  • Overcoming the hurt of betrayal

Explaining Foundational doctrines in the Church. Student to complete Group Discussion and Self Study Questions for class. Exams are based on the lectures and student course work. If weekly course work is completed then the student is guaranteed to pass this course. Once the exam is completed, then the student can move on to the next subject for the semester.