- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Power of Prayer DR. DICK EASTMAN
- Its Threefold Potentialy
- What Prayer Is
- The Practice of Prayer (Part 1)
- The Practice of Prayer (Part 2)
- The Purpose of Prayer
Ministry of Helps BUDDY BELL
- The Journey of a Servant
- God Uses Both Stars and Candles
- Fear Not Leadership, Organization and Structure (Part 1)
- Fear Not Leadership, Organization and Structure (Part 2)
- Becoming a Servant of Fire
- Approaching the Old Testament
- The Order of Books and Creation
- The Image of God and the Fall
- Babel and Abraham: the Concepts of Covenant
- Abraham, Israel, Joseph, and Moses
- The Tabernacle Worship
- Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
- The Kings, David, Psalms, and Hebrew
- Poetry, Wisdom, Literature, Division, and Exile
- Babylonian Captivity, Return from Exile, and the Prophets
Essence of the Gospel TERRY LAW
- The Divine Exchange (Part 1)
- The Divine Exchange (Part 2)
- The Triumph of Praise
- What Activates Angels
- How to Make Your Faith Work
Jesus, Our Healer Today BAYLESS CONLEY
- God’s Will and Healing
- Healing in the Atonement
- Full Salvation
- Moses, the Serpent and Healing
- The Mercy of Healing
Living By Faith BILL WINSTON
- Living By Faith (Part 1)
- Living By Faith (Part 2)
Who should study this?
- All Believers
- Religious Leaders
- Overseers
This semester is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Tswana, Bemba, Portugese, Swahili and French.
Power of Prayer
1Session 1: Its Threefold Potentially
2Session 1: Notes
3Session 2: What Prayer Is
4Session 2: Notes
5Session 3: The Practice of Prayer (Part 1 )
6Session 3: Notes
7Session 4: The Practice of Prayer (Part 2)
8Session 4: Notes
9Session 5: The Purpose of Prayer
10Session 5: Notes
11Power of Prayer Exam
12Submit Monthly Bible Reading
Ministry of Helps
13Session 1: The Journey of a Servant
14Session 1: Notes
15Session 2: God Uses Both Stars and Candles
16Session 2: Notes
17Session 3: Fear Not Leadership, Organisation and Structure (Part 1)
18Session 3: Notes
19Session 4: Fear Not Leadership, Organistation and Structure (Part 2)
20Session 4: Notes
21Session 5: Becoming a Servant of Fire
22Session 5: Notes
24Submit Monthly Bible Reading
Old Testament Survey
25Session 1: Approaching the Old Testament
26Session 1: Notes
27Session 2: The Order of Books and Creation
28Session 2: Notes
29Session 3: The Image of God and the Fall
30Session 3: Notes
31Session 4: Babel and Abraham: the Concepts of Covenant
32Session 4: Notes
33Session 5: Abraham, Israel, Isaac and Moses
34Session 5: Notes
35Session 6: The Tabernacle Worship
36Session 6: Notes
37Session 7: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
38Session 7: Notes
39Session 8: The Kings, David, Psalms, and Hebrew
40Session 8: Notes
41Session 9: Poetry, Wisdom, Literature, Division, and Exile
42Session 9: Notes
43Session 10: Babylonian Captivity, Return from Exile, and the Prophets
44Session 10: Notes
46Submit Monthly Bible Reading
Essence of the Gospel
Jesus Our Healer Today
Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1